Credibility and Governance
1. Online Fitness trading as Onfit Training College, is a registered training organisation (RTO 32107) approved and regulated by the Australian Skills Quality Authority. Onfit delivers vocational education and training services in accordance with the standards for National VET Regulation (NVR). Qualifications issued by Onfit Training College are nationally recognised.
2. Onfit Training College implements policies and procedures which safeguard the interests and welfare of clients and stakeholders. These policies and procedures are detailed in the Student Handbook.
Staff Recruitment
3. Onfit gives its assurance that staff involved in training & assessment have the relevant qualifications, skills and experience.
Student Recruitment
4. In relation to the recruitment of students, Onfit will at all times be ethical and will comply with access and equity principles. Student Support services
5. Onfit Training College has strategies in place to identify and support students with language, literacy and numeracy challenges, and refers to LLN specialists in instances where client needs fall outside of the scope of the organisation.